Biodiversity Sites

Recently Added Sites Tagged with Biodiversity

Is Narwhal Down?
The narwhal (Monodon monoceros) is a medium-sized whale known for its long, spiral tusk, which can reach lengths of up to 10 feet. Inhabiting Arctic waters, narwhals are social creatures that often travel in groups. They primarily feed on fish and squid, using echolocation to hunt in deep waters. The narwhal's unique tusk is actually an elongated tooth, and it has sparked interest and intrigue for centuries.

Is Coral Down?
Coral refers to the marine invertebrates within the class Anthozoa, which are known for forming coral reefs. These structures are vital ecosystems that provide habitat and protection for a diverse range of marine life. Coral plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of ocean environments and supports local economies through tourism and fishing.

Is Slow Down?
Slow is a global movement dedicated to promoting good, clean, and fair food for all. It emphasizes the importance of biodiversity, education, and advocacy in creating sustainable food systems. By connecting local communities and encouraging responsible food practices, Slow aims to influence public decision-makers and foster a more equitable food culture.

Is Inaturalist Down?
iNaturalist is a platform that connects individuals with a passion for nature by allowing them to record and share their observations of the natural world. It serves as both a social network and a scientific tool, enabling users to contribute to biodiversity science through their findings. By engaging with fellow naturalists and experts, participants can enhance their understanding of various species and ecosystems.

Is Antarctica Upside Down?
Antarctica Upside provides a comprehensive overview of the Australian Antarctic Program, highlighting wildlife, scientific research, and environmental management. The program focuses on understanding the unique ecosystems of Antarctica and the impacts of climate change. It offers insights into the operations at various research stations and the contributions of expeditioners to ongoing scientific endeavors.